Wednesday 13 May 2020



What quickly comes to mind when you hear of these two words "instant syndrome?” or  "instant gratification?"  well for me a lot of things certainly deluge  in my head without even going for the dictionary; so here are a few illustrations just to give a brief synopsis to aid our understanding as to what it is all about. You see  everything these days is instant:talk about instant food  we got ourselves 2 minute noodles and instant coffee; instant marriages,instant beauty,instant wealth, instant fame just but to mention a few. Hope from the above examples a clear-cut picture has just been conveyed concerning what instant gratification is all about! Our generation  has fallen prey to this particular syndrome as we lack  sense of direction, purpose, patience, confidence ,love, courage and the fear of god.This all gravely led by the mantra; I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW!!Instant gratification has its benefits at some point in our lives but in the long run there is always a hell of a price to pay.

These days in less than a minute one can take over a hundred photos in one burst, and in just one click  and a double tap on instagram BOOM they're insta-famous just like that,impressive right? Don't get me wrong here,l love technology and believe me when l say technology is the best thing that has ever happened to humanity and its forth coming meaning that it will always be a part of us, but how people use it to watch pornographic content, commit atrocious crimes, malice,slander, cyber bullying etc that's what gives it a bad name. And yet again in as much technology has brought our world together;  along with it has many people lost their sense of being especially this generation. What most people forget is that behind that pretty, sexy,  perfect girl or boy on a magazine cover there's is CEO who is advertising and pushing  their business and merchandise  so everything ought  to be “perfect” before the world sees it, thus the superficial editing. Then they say “a picture tell a million stories”, l totally beg to differ on that one!A a picture of half naked or a perfect selfie of happy looking lady cannot tell a story of a low self-esteemed young lady, depressed and eager to be popular NO! That doesn't even count as a cry for help but business minded people who are all about the money now swoop in to endorse such and maximize on the opportunity to make more money for themselves; just like that they are insta-famous and are influencers for that particular brand(s). But the big question is, Is it REAL? So has being a celebrity become an instantaneous thing; just with one "bubblegum" hit song  often with a bunch of meaningless lyrics a young man from the slum and squalor part of the country becomes a celebrity in a blink of a eye unfortunately for him he relaxes and never takes time to build a strong career from that. And like chaff his fame is blown away by the wind just like that, and adds to the long list of “instant celebrities” who were one hit wonders.                                                                                                  

Pyramid schemes  has become a bait for many in the name of "instant  wealth", today  where are they? You will be surprised to see that only a quarter  maximized on that  and got to build businesses on that and the rest have nothing to show for  it. The reason being that most of us when we make a thousand by just investing a dollar  we tend to relax and splurge like there's no tomorrow and think that we always gonna make more for a lifetime. Let me give an example closer to home, sometime in 2017 if l remember correctly there was a get rich money scheme called triple M which was rampant across Zimbabwe  and the first people  to join enjoyed its full benefits but a mistake most people made was making large profits and re-injected their money for it to accumulate so they get richer. In no time it lost momentum as thousands were lost and never recovered from it. My point being that there's nothing that comes whilst laying on your back, everything is worked for  and  if shortcuts are taken just know  there  will be a bigger price to pay now or in a million years. Now these schemes are more advanced these days just browsing the internet you see many pop ads on “How to get $100000 from the comfort of your home”  just by one click; very tempting right? Am one of the people who have once fallen prey to such click baits, if they were real l would be a millionaire right now  but because there's is always a price to pay many have been defrauded through this. This is simply because we have become a people who are not goal oriented at all we  are too lazy and too cool to get our hands dirty in order to get the life we desire through hard work. All we just want is to be rich no matter what, so you see some people have resorted to joining cults or making use of voodoo; and they see nothing wrong in offering a family member or relative  as a sacrificial lamb just to attain easy wealth. What then is going to be your legacy amidst all this instantaneous  syndrome?
Alcohol and Drugs not forgetting toxic relationships together with rampant sexual escapades have become a source of  “instant happiness” for many young people. We have no idea  what true and real happiness is and that it can only emanate from within and from the love of GOD. There was once a meme video  of  young people dancing at a party with beer in their hands that made its rounds on social media, and its text read “if only our parents knew how happy we are when we are drunk”! Believe me when l say that there is nothing wrong with alcohol or those who do drink it but the point  am trying to convey here is that most of us we are drinking cause we are depressed, stressed and sad and definitely not drinking for pleasure but trying to have a glimpse of none existent happiness. But how many can testify that the happiness they feel when drunk is always there when they wake up the following morning? But rather wake up with an infuriating hangover and an empty wallet or bank balance;It simply becomes a self destructing cycle daily if not kicked to the curb. Most of us think its “too white“ to  talk to someone about your problems whether a professional, pastor, or lecturer but we forget that the first stage towards healing is accepting that you have a problem and then talking about it to someone you trust then the rest rolls out as time goes on. Heal that wound and broken heart ad get your own dose of real happiness. As for toxic relationships am no expect but am just going to lay it out as per my experience. What l definitely know is that you don't need a  superficial model of a girlfriend or boyfriend just to be happy; mind you not all happy “looking” couples you see when you take stroll on the social media streets are really happy, because you would be surprised to find out that behind that picture there's a forced smile, abused man or woman but who cares we are just doing it for the “gram” right?                                                                                                         

Marriage these days has certainly lost its significance  as result of these  “instant marriages”  which are rampantly becoming a norm among-st us. Background, character, one's ambition doesn't even count for most of us these days; but all a girl needs to pass the qualification stage is a “sexy figure”,”perfectly built structure”, “freaky character”,be “yellow bone” etc and all he needs to have a relationship proposal approved is a “flashy car”, “perfectly built up body”, a “sense of fashion” ,”financial security” etc. These traits are dreamlike features and they only exist on campus or during the college life,  and are non existent in the real world. Instantaneous tendencies have turned us into a people that want to be perfectionists and before making decisions first thing that  comes to mind is “What will people think or say about it?” A guy simply proposes to you for a marriage or relationship yet he doesn't have any traits of a man you desire but those unrealistic features;  you instantly accept as there is no room for second guessing or thinking about it as the fear of him going to the next damsel immediately strikes. Even the Bible tells us that all these things are vanity, so then why not  just invest your time in knowing your  partner whilst wrapping up on school rather than taking drastic decisions that will haunt you for the rest of your life. One thing we forget is that marriage is a lifetime situation  and if abruptly leaped into without the knowledge of one another or love driven it will be just another divorce statistic  waiting to happen! The greatest examples are some of our parents we don't need to look any further.                                                                   

This is one of my personal favorites ladies and gentlemen lets make one thing clear there is NO such thing called “instant beauty”. I know this a controversial topic to indulge into ,but l think am going to  have my own fair share of the pie. With different versions and definitions of what beauty is some of us don't know what to believe anymore. Lately,all we chase after are not academic or life goals only but  also there's new chase towards instantaneous beauty, sexy bodies,”perfect” skin color etc. Just by undergoing an expensive surgery on one's body then suddenly they feel beautiful right away magical right?. But Sis have you ever taken some time to think about that 'boob or butt job' and bleaching you are doing right now how will it be looking in your 60s?How many white people in history or even today you have heard that they bleached themselves to be black? Its all about living in the moment and being the “it” girl right? We are slowly losing ourselves in trying to become like all these phony models we  see  on  magazine covers and  social media  with a thousand likes and shares to show for it. Am a very passionate person about make up  and am a freelance makeup artist too, the reason why am mentioning this is to make emphasis on my next point. MAKE-UP DOESN'T MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL, BUT ONLY ENHANCES WHAT'S ALREADY THERE! What it does is to boost one's confidence and add that self esteem zing, so there is no need to invest more money in high end cosmetics rather invest your money in skincare products cause beneath that “cakey”  sleek make up there's the real you. Never should we forget that beauty comes in all shapes, colors and sizes and that's  what makes us all unique and special, so take care of your body like never before and appreciate your color; whether black,colored or white your skin is beautiful  like that love and cherish it.                                                                                

Are we then just going to be a generation to be circumscribed by a legacy of indecisiveness, intolerance for correction ,forgetting our roots and living dangerously with no life plan? I  know l have left more questions than answers, but this is nothing new to us thousand of  books have been written and are still being written , we are constantly being told all this by our parents. NOW its your turn as an individual to search deeper within and you will find your truth. Its  high time we know and draw a clear line between whats real and a fantasy! Its time to slow down and think things through before taking drastic decisions concerning the rest of our lives. In as much as the COVID-19 has claimed our brothers and sisters, it has managed to shutdown an entire system  no more rushing and running trying to meet up with busy schedules, deadlines; lock down is simply forcing us to face ourselves, its like the universe and GOD are giving us an opportunity to recuperate and spend all the time we need on healing ourselves and reconnecting with our families. We can do  better than being  a sad and sick generation with a bunch of happy pictures. If its a business project which failed  its time to rework that plan and pay attention to  detail, if its  broken heart that is still sore the time is now to recover; if your spiritual life has been lacking now ts the time to reconnect with GOD and enhance your prayer life, this in the time to work for the body and perfect skin you desire without cutting corners, its time to look within yourself, find your true happiness you don't need anyone to be happy but YOURSELF!


Saturday 25 May 2019


Sometimes we tend to forget who we are and where we are coming from! All we need is that knowledge of what we can become and other places we can go.

I am an African child,daughter,sister;
Young,bold, bright, wild and free.
Confident in her skin, beautiful in her eyes,
Strong and fierce.
Filled with so much joy, happiness and positivity.
I am vibrant, colorful, unique and proud.

So who are you? Find out, Own it and don't let anyone take that away from you!!

You will know me
Not by the colour of my skin
But by the spectrum of my ideas
For I am Africa’s child
You will know me
Not by the name of my tribe
But by the poetry of my ideals
For I am Africa’s child 

-Wayne Visser


Sunday 12 May 2019


A mother is a miracle and a double blessing from God that is simply irreplaceable! Motherhood is where all the love begins and ends cause not only do they carry us in their wombs for nine months but in their hearts it's for a lifetime. More of the reason you should  appreciate your mother every God given day, make her feel extra loved; plan those day outs and shower her with gifts if you can and not wait for 12th of May to do that. Life is too short!!

PS : Today we celebrate special women and l believe this day serves to remind us of the importance of our MOTHERS in our lives daily; NOT as an alarm to start loving them!!!

Happy Mother's Day to every Mother and Future Mothers in the World you are greatly loved and appreciated for everything you do for your sons and daughters ❤❤

Saturday 9 March 2019


The word "WOMAN" to me is a strong and powerful term which echoes a ; grand-mother, mother , wife, sister, daughter, mother in-law, aunts, daughter in-law, lover and most importantly a giver of life!
It should be in us to honour and appreciate women every God given day and not wait for the 8th of March only. They need to be appreciated just for being able to carry you for 9 months , which is not an easy road as women go through a lot of body changes that no man can ever under and many sleepless nights at this particular stage. One may just see this as a lame excuse, but as individual you need to ask yourself that  with the options available for women not carry a baby yet here you are. Here is a brief answer of why she didn't abort you ; she is STRONG ,BOLD and an EPITOME of LOVE.

So cheers to the most powerful women out there; who are survivors of abuse from men, victims of male chauvinism in their work places, who are termed the weaker sex, who are under valued  and every women who beat against all odds to groom and help each other grow!!


Monday 4 February 2019


Sometimes all you need for you to get out of your comfort zone is an empty pocket ,a hungry stomach and a broken heart 'cause trust me no teacher or professor or anyone else can teach you the most important lessons in life.Being doer is better than being a big dreamer!
Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work---_ STEPHEN KING
 It's a MONDAY get a new perspective on obstacles that you might be facing they are not permanent. So do the most by going that extra mile to achieve those goals and follow your passion. Ignoring your passion is like swallowing poison that kills you slowly but surely. Never ignore what your heart pumps for , mold your career around your lifestyle if you must NOT your lifestyle around your career.
Not sharing your gifts/passions with the world is greatest disservice to yourself and humankind --_RAVINDER SINGH

Tuesday 29 January 2019


What quickly comes to my mind when l hear the words Gender Based Violence (GBV) is ; rape ,sexual harassment and domestic violence ,but it goes in too deep as mob violence,torture , genital mutilation as a result of harmful customary and traditional practices etc.

Today , GBV still remains a relevant topic that is timeless because it is an issue faced by people all over the world which is inclusive of men ,women, boys and girls. YES! rape can be perpetrated by both men and women on either sexualities. But today my main focus is on violence against women. According to the United Nations Population Fund, 1 in 3 women have been physically and sexually abused in their lifetime. Specifically here in Zimbabwe, about 1 in 3 women aged 15 to 49 have experienced physical violence  and about 1 in 4 women have experienced sexual violence since at the age of 15 and it's either by their intimate partners or relatives!! The worst part about GBV is that most cases go unreported due to shame , stigma, cultural practices, lack of justice in previous cases and lack of access to resources and support systems.

GBV worldwide seems triumphant because of gender inequality which disempowers women, girls and other minorities this become voiceless beings.Women play a vital role in  sustainable development when they are educated and healthy, their families, communities and countries benefit.Yet GBV undermines and stops women and girls to fully utilize their basic human rights. Another, issue is that most African countries have normalised and trivialised the Rape culture because of societal attitudes towards gender and sexuality. For instance,  at some point in Egypt rape treated so casual that a renown lawyer called for women to be taped as a matter of "national duty" on national TV.

GBV comes with long term repercussions , that are dire and painful ; suicide , murder, early child marriages. Not so long ago a 23 year old  student at Rhodes University in South Africa committed suicide after she was was raped by another student. Also in Zimbabwe, cases of child marriages  once became a serious topic, how some religions do not allow a girl child to attain education and get married as early 12. Sometimes these children are married off to their rapists and they continue to suffer sexual assault the rest of their lives. And as a result of loopholes in our justice system  that do not have laws such as marital and spousal rape nothing can be done about it.

Currently, Zimbabwe is yet to deal with the issue concerning women and girls who were sexually assaulted (without protection) and  others killed by the soldiers during the violent protests that escalated all over the country after the hiked fuel prices that were announced by the President, which then led to a deadly shutdown. As of date atleast , 22 cases of abuse have been reported, but some are not unreported or may never be reported because of the fear that their dirty laundry will be aired for everyone to see.

A lot can be said concerning this issue of gender based violence ,but it comes back to us , as it takes me and you to work against gender based violence cause an injure to one is an injure to all. Unity is strength , division is weakness.


Wednesday 23 January 2019


~Just want to say congratulations to all the A Level students who excelled in their 2018 exams~🎊🎉

The transition from high school to university is always the most exciting experience ever : new friends, new environment, new level of freedom etc. But little did l know that it isn't as easy as our parents or siblings said it will be, so on my own I had to make some adjustments and figure out  some situations as they came my way.

University is a place of growth from teenage hood into adulthood and believe you me it doesn't come easy; and this is the stage that most of our peers tend to make terrible mistakes that will haunt them forever!!

So here are a few tips of how one can survive their first year at Uni :

  • I know most people  usually attend universities away from either a different city/ town or overseas. And l must a change of  can be overwhelming BIG time; such that most people lose their being in the process of adapting to that particular environment. At this particular point that's l choose to turn a blind eye to the saying that " WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS DO".Cause l personally believe an individual has a will and freedom to choose what they want to be and the environment doesn't have to determine that all the time. Trust me after varsity there's going to be a lot of environmental change , and it doesn't necessarily mean one has to change who they are everyone.

  •  Secondly, the level of freedom that one gets at Uni, will never be similar to the one we  have a home. One has the freedom to explore new things, relationships, and enjoy your social life without your parents or guardians fussing over it. As much as you are free to do whatever you desire you ought be RESPONSIBLE  or you  will be a victim of the "GOLD RUSH" and cut your journey before it even starts.

  •  MAKING  NEW FRIENDS should be something you ponder on more than anything before choosing the people you would want to associate with. Here you meet and interact with different people from diverse cultures, religions ,who speak different languages, good/bad, fake/ real friends. It is also wise for one to make friends from various departments, faculties as it is a great foundation for your future endeavours. One day you will need that lawyer, doctor , estate agent etc. 

  •  It will be wise  to keep your spiritual man and maintain a close relationship with GOD  (Mwari/ Nkulunkulu/Allah). Engage in prayer more often so as to enhance your spiritual growth.

  •  Finally, doing your assignments and tasks before the actual due date is the best favour you can do for yourself, because trust me not every one of us can perform well under pressure. Not everything they tell  you about how varsity education is a  walk over and you can never fail is true. ❌Spoiler Alert ❌ as much as university learning is easy, it is also very easy and possible to fail dismally and that wouldn't be a great start on your transcript.




THE “INSTANTANEOUS    SYNDROME” What quickly comes to mind when you hear of these two words "instant syndrome?” or  "...